Sunday, January 24, 2010

Art Post 2: Work-In-Progreth

Second art post!
Here's another piece from my sketchbook- give this guy a name and history!


  1. his name is timothy. no one would draw him so he was forced to draw himself. he drew himself looking gleeful, but in reality he's kind of a sad little creature who longs for an actual life outside of his artistic fantasies. :)

  2. his name is Maynard. Maynard had a rough childhood as an only carrot. As he got older many of the other carrots started to like brocoli. But Maynard couldn't help but love his fellow carrot. And the one day Maynard finnaly got the courage to talk to a fellow carrot-loving carrot and then a bunny ate him.

  3. His name is Mac-Man, pac-man's brother.

    He was disheartened, living int he shadow of his brother's fame, so he decided to become a self-tattoo artist.
